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It's a New Day in Public Health.

The Florida Department of Health works to protect, promote, and improve the health of all people in Florida through integrated state, county, and community efforts.

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Office of Minority Health

Florida Department of Health - Hillsborough County

Our goal is for all of Hillsborough County to achieve optimal health where we live, learn, work, play, and socialize. 

In the spring of 2022, the Office of Minority Health began the process of engaging a multi-sector task force and coalition focusing on: decreasing severe maternal morbidity rates and increasing pre-exposure prophylaxis (PrEP) use.

Members of the task force, coalition, and other subject matter experts and stakeholders are now in the process of planning for and implementing projects to support health care quality and access efforts.

Our office offers programs and services through different programs and services, including:

For more information, contact us at