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Water: Cross Connection Control
Environmental Public Health
Plumbing cross-connections, which are defined as actual or potential connections between a potable and non-potable water supply, constitute a serious public health hazard. There are numerous, well-documented cases where cross-connections have been responsible for contamination of drinking water, and have resulted in the spread of disease.
All community water systems are required to have a cross connection control program.
For information, visit the Environmental Protection Agency or the download their manual.
More Cross Connection Control Information
Cross-Connection Control and Backflow Prevention Program is a total overview of the program presented by the Florida Department of Environmental Protection.
Cross-Connection Control Manual (EPA 816-R-03-002) has been designed as a tool for health officials, waterworks personnel, plumbers, and any others involved directly or indirectly in water supply distribution systems.
Cross-Connection Control: A Best Practices Guide (EPA 816-F-06-035) discusses the importance of controlling cross-connections and preventing backflow occurrences from unprotected cross- connections in the water system.
Cross-Connection Control Manual (EPA 816-R-03-002) has been designed as a tool for health officials, waterworks personnel, plumbers, and any others involved directly or indirectly in water supply distribution systems.
Cross-Connection Control: A Best Practices Guide (EPA 816-F-06-035) discusses the importance of controlling cross-connections and preventing backflow occurrences from unprotected cross- connections in the water system.
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